Furniture Maintenance and Care 101

image-8Leather and fine wood pieces are the most luxurious and sophisticated furniture items in the majority of households. Upholstered furniture is not far behind them with its unique designs and fabrics that provide us with various decorative possibilities. All these furniture types qualify for upholstery and long-term service, as long as we perform adequate and timely maintenance. Preserve your favourite vanity or comfy sofa by following our furniture care guide.

Upholstered items

image-1The presence of dirt particles can significantly damage the surface of your favourite piece. Furniture fabric attracts grime and dust like a magnet, so don’t forget to vacuum it on a weekly basis. Remove the detachable parts and sweep the crumbs underneath.

We all have our favourite spot on the sofa, but after a while, this place will show signs of use. To prolong the fresh look of your upholstered furniture, swap and flip the loose cushions every now and then. Also, rearrange the position of your seating furniture a few times a year.

The contact areas like chair backs, cushion seats and armrests are extremely susceptible to abrasion and soil accumulation. Wrap these patches with arm caps made from a material that’s similar or identical to the existing one and replace them once they wear out.

You can even go a step further and cover the upholstered piece in entirety with washable slip-ons. This is particularly useful in the summer months when sweat and body lotions can leave a noticeable mark on the fabric.

Lastly, utilise one of those spray-on products that form a protective coat against stains and spillage. Follow the procedure and take all the precautionary measures. Alternatively, let your retailer do it in the factory.

Leather furniture care

This natural upholstery material can last for years if you take care of its maintenance properly:

  • Position the leather furnishing items away from the sources of direct light and heat such as hearths, windows, radiators and heating vents
  • Dust your uncoated-leather pieces often and remove the deposits and stains with an art gum eraser; other cleaning paraphernalia can damage the material
  • Coated-leather items should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s manual; in most cases, that includes specialised leather creams and regular vacuuming

Fine wood furnishings

image-6As it is the case with leather furnishings, wooden items don’t agree with direct sunlight and heat sources. Wood is by nature full of moisture and exposure to heat can make it lose its original properties. If you want your favourite fine wood pieces to last, don’t store them in hot and humid (attic, basement) places. Also, make use of drapes or shades to protect it from fading.

Considering a great number of wooden furniture pieces (such as dining tables and vanities) are used every day, on-contact damage and spills are nothing uncommon. Hot dishes, wet glass rings and chemical substances (cosmetics) can ruin the beautiful wood finish. Prevent it by employing padded table covers, placemats, as well as sturdy coasters and trivets.

image-7When it comes to cleaning procedure, you should dust it frequently with damp (not dry!) cotton cloth and resort to heavy-duty products for persistent stains only. Mix water and specialised oil soap to get rid of a film caused by grease and cigarette smoke. Dab a natural sponge into the solution and massage the dirty spots (grain-wise) to loosen the grime. Rinse the residue with a sponge dabbed into clean water and dry it with a clean cloth.

Finally, you can opt for a variety of polishes and wax products to breathe new life into your wooden furniture and create a protective coat. Use only one product at a time and apply it on a clean surface according to the instructions. Pay special care to the antique items.

If you want to keep your favourite, luxury furnishing items for many years, you have to commit to regular furniture care and maintenance. These are some basic tips on how to accomplish it.




