Hire a Pro or Do it Yourself?

Deciding whether to Hire Professionals or go DIY on Your Old House Renovation

image-1Going DIY when renovating your home is always a cheaper choice than hiring a professional. However, although some tasks can be done without expertise, other things require professional help. If you have no problem setting aside a bit of money, don’t hesitate to get it. When it comes to old houses, these two ways of making renovations are usually done as either-or – you either hire a professional or take the matters into your own hands.

Are You Willing?

image-2The first question that you need to ask yourself when approaching a DIY project is “Am I eager or able enough to do this?” Naturally, you might think that making renovations on your own is difficult, but totally doable (which is true), yet you cannot really comprehend going DIY. Until you’ve gotten into a project, you can’t possibly know what’s it going to be like. That’s why you should make sure that you’re ready for a potentially unpredictable task before rushing headlong into it. If you aren’t sure that you’re capable enough to push through to the end of a renovation, call the professionals and rest easy.


image-3Another key factor in deciding whether to hire a professional or roll up your sleeves is the time you’ve got on your hands. Depending on the type of a project, some can be done in a couple of weekends, which makes them totally doable, pretty much regardless of your profession, while others are more serious tasks, requiring weeks of work on end. Furthermore, there are projects which cannot really wait for the next weekend and have to be done on a daily basis. Time doesn’t influence projects only in this way, but also in terms of weather.


image-5If you’re doing renovations during warm spring and summer months, you’ll be able to do some easy work, unless scorching heats are at hand – avoid doing work during those, that can be dangerous. If the weather is nice, performing renovations on your own might not be a bad idea (depending on the type of work). If the weather is bad, however, you’re likely to procrastinate – if it’s pouring outside, you will choose to stay indoors and do nothing. When it comes to professionals, however, they will not sit idle while it’s pouring outside – they will always find something to do, such as preparations and paint mixing, until the weather clears. Don’t opt for DIY renovations during bad weather – the reasons transcend efficiency and are often safety-related; you’ll probably use ladders for a task, where the professionals will have a scissor lift at their disposal, for example – remember, safety comes first!


image-4Well, nothing beats professionals when it comes to expertise. Sure, doing an occasional DIY project by yourself every now and again is great, but opting for hired personnel will definitely make things more professional and ensure greater quality and durability. Choosing to make renovations a DIY project is a valuable life lesson, plus you’ll pick up a thing or two along the way. However, if you want to remain certain that the work gets done right, hiring professionals is definitely preferable. Additionally, you probably don’t own the exact equipment necessary to tackle every possible task within a renovations project – you could go and buy it, but this might turn out to be expensive (even more so than hiring professionals). If you decide to hire a professional contractor, you need to make sure that you choose the right one. 

The bottom line is this: if you’re doing a small renovations project on or within your home, give it a go yourself; however, if the renovations are large, choosing professional help is definitely the way to go.

Contact the Iron County Home Builders Association to find a professional.



