Making Sure the Children’s Room is Properly Lit

Indoor lighting plays a key role in providing a comfortable area for the occupants and there is no one more important than your kids, so learning how to properly light up your children’s room is something every parent needs. Here are some useful tips for providing proper lighting for the little ones.

Make it Interesting

Kids need stuff to occupy their attention – not so that you handle them more easily, but for the sake of their own development. Think colorful decorations and a large number of items with a variety of shapes and colors. The same applies when it comes to lighting – a multitude of colors and shapes is exactly what your kid needs. Check the lighting stores for lamps with cartoon characters, such as Sponge Bob, Hello Kitty, Angry Birds (extremely popular nowadays), etc.

Be in Control

Your kid’s needs are going to vary throughout the day when it comes to lighting. The easiest way to make sure that you control the amount of light at all times is to install multiple different lighting fixtures. For example, a low wattage bulb is a great addition – it resembles the light you get from behind the curtains during the sunrise, which is perfect for bedtime. On another hand, having a stronger source of light is pretty much a must, for your child’s development – if they can’t see the colorful objects and decorations properly, then what’s the point? Installing a dimmer switch is also a fantastic idea for being in perfect control of the lighting in here, especially if the children’s room doesn’t get enough sunlight during the day. Install the LED bulbs to make sure the provided light is as close to being natural as artificial fixtures go; plus, they pay off in the long run! Finally, installing dimmers will give you total control, even over the sunlight!

Light for You

When paying attention to your child’s needs, it’s easy to forget your own. While you’ve probably thought to yourself “The only thing that matters is the little one(s)”, think about your own access to your infant. Take night feeds, for example; being completely blind within the nursery is simply not an option. The first time you bring your kid home, you’ll likely need a plug-in night-light to help you, until you get used to the lack of lighting when feeding and changing your baby during the night. Additionally, you can do it on your own – you can easily install DIY Lights, without an electrician! Dimmer switch may help you here, but the very position of the dimmer fixtures (usually front-and-center in a room) might turn out problematic; leaving the bedroom door open is always the budget option.

Lighting Types

When it comes to the children’s room, there are three basic types of lighting worth looking into:

  • General lighting – Your typical fixtures, placed on the ceiling, or on the walls. The idea behind general lighting is that it can be just about anything, so long as it is interesting to look at.
  • Desk lighting – Once your kid starts walking around, you’ll need desk lighting for their doodling and painting sessions. Lamp desks should be basic – bright, even and glare-free (for eye protection).
  • Closet and shelf lighting – No matter how many interesting objects there are in your children’s room, this won’t do them any good without picture lamps or clip spotlights to illuminate the colorful items, such as posters and other treasures.

Providing proper light for your kid isn’t exactly rocket science, but it’s very important that you cover every aspect of it, for the sake of their development, eyesight, as well as for the sake of your own getting around in their room.

Visit Mountain Lighting in Cedar City for your lighting needs!



