How to Size an Air Conditioning Unit for Your Home

When it comes to home air conditioning, bigger is not always better, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. An oversized AC in your home will do nothing more than drive up your electricity bills and waste huge amounts of energy on a space that could easily have been maintained by a smaller unit. On the other hand, a too small of an AC unit is not the solution either, and can be detrimental not only to your quality of life, but it can also make your bills skyrocket by trying to heat up or cool down a spacious room.

The lifespan of your AC unit will be affected tremendously by how often it receives professional air conditioning services from a place like Here to facilitate long-term financial savings, safeguard your health, and make your air-conditioning operate perfectly is the guide to sizing your unit just right.

Calculate your needs

Fortunately for you, you don’t have to be a scientist to figure out the AC capacity required for your room, you only need to employ your basic math skills and maybe even a calculator just to be sure, and you’ll be well on your way to getting the perfect model for your specific needs.

Firstly, you need to know that the AC capacity is measured in BTUs, or British Thermal Units, while sometimes the capacity can be measured in tons as well. One ton is the equivalent of twelve thousand BTUs. So, if you end up requiring a six thousand BTU AC, that also means that you require a half-ton unit.

Secondly, you need to calculate the total square footage of your room by multiplying the width by the length and the height of the area. Once you have multiplied these values, you want to multiply the sum with twenty-five BTUs. This is your rough capacity estimate; however, other details will also come into play.

Consider other variables

Plenty of other variables will have a say in determining your optimal AC size, but do keep in mind that if you end up requiring more than twelve thousand BTUs, you can make substantial savings by investing in two separate, smaller units installed in spots areas in the room.

These crucial factors include the position of your house relative to the sun, the amount of shade in the room, the number of occupants, the type of room (kitchen, living room), the number of windows and their position, the amount of insulation your house has, as well as your future construction plans.

This is not an easy calculation to make, but the guys behind Sydmech offer professional inspection and calculation of your AC capacity by going over the positioning of your house as well as your windows and the amount of natural shade it gets during the day, in order to size the unit just right.

The amount of insulation on the walls and the windows will also play a key role, so make sure these variables are included in your assessment. You can get a rough estimate with an online calculator; however, these methods often fail to take miniscule details into consideration.

Sizing your AC unit is no child’s play; rather it is a serious task that requires some prior knowledge and prudent planning, often best left in the hands of skilled professionals like Air Care. You can go to to get in touch with HVAC experts from Chill Pro. No matter if you conduct the entire project yourself or not, it is important that you have this crucial information at hand in order to make the best cost-effective decision if you are planning to have an air conditioning installation such as an air conditioning installation in Memphis, TN and choose a unit that will facilitate financial savings, preserve the health of your family, and function properly for years to come.


