Home Building Essentials for a Young Family

Building the first family home from the ground up is one of the biggest financial commitments you can make in life. Namely, if you want to have the best place for your family to thrive, the margin for error is almost non-existent. So, to complete the project with flying colours, do some research and get your priorities straight well before construction commences. Take your time getting familiar with the essentials in the initial design stage. A bit of forethought and planning goes a long, long way.

The right location

It all starts with picking a suitable location for the home. The neighbourhood should be safe and not plagued by problems like crime. Furthermore, it is preferable to have various amenities such as Backyard Playgrounds and parks in the vicinity. Likewise, you might want to choose a reputable school district and minimize transport hassle. Do not overlook distance to work, parking space, access to shopping and cultural facilities, and other factors.

The future horizon

A young family grows and evolves quickly. Your needs inevitably change and a home should have built-in potential to accommodate this. For instance, if you plan a larger family down the road, then three bedrooms might not do the trick. Believe me, you do not want to make the environment cramped and crowded. Therefore, plan the building process well ahead of time to minimize the amount of clutter. Implement smart storage solutions to prevent accumulation of stuff from overflowing your space, in addition to planning the energy efficient features that can follow the needs of a growing family.

Finding competent builders

As you can already see, there are various moving parts to grasp. We have not even mentioned tasks like inspecting the site, laying the foundation, gaining permits, and overseeing work. To come out on top, you have to make the right call when it comes to hiring a builder. Do your online homework and ask for referrals. You need to find trusted contractors, like home builders Amescorp, who work keeping your lifestyle and preferences in mind. Make sure they are certified and licensed to perform construction in your area.

Layout is king

Imagine yourself living in a home. How big is it and how many rooms there? Layout plays a crucial role. Here, you must consider open and flexible spaces. They can be utilized in multiple ways and adjusted to shifting family requirements. With an open floor plan, you can also have visual contact and direct oversight of your children. Just bear in mind that apart from the number of rooms, you also need to figure out their configuration. Usually, the parent’s bedroom and children’s rooms are on the same floor.

Convenience and fun

The custom-building process should encompass various conveniences that make your life easier. For example, design a laundry room on the first floor and designate a drop-off zone for jerseys, socks, mittens, etc. You can also put the washer and dryer in the mudroom. Moreover, do not neglect relaxation and entertainment. You can plan a family or game room: situate it in a basement to maintain order of your main living area. Alternatively, extend your living space with a patio or Deck Addition project. Embrace the outdoor lifestyle and have your kids flourish playing in fresh air and sunlight.

On the safe side

Safety of all inhabitants is a top priority. To minimize the risk of household injuries, explore ways of childproofing your home, especially high-risk areas like stairs. Go room by room and keep your eyes peeled for pointy edges and sharp or heavy objects. Observe everything from the viewpoint of your children (yes, crawl if you have to) and identify all the hazards in the form of exposed power strips, fireplaces, glass surfaces, appliances, etc. Secure the storage space and make certain areas off limits to children.

From dreams to reality

Developing a family home is a peculiar mix of daunting and thrilling. To steer away from the former, do the legwork and learn about the area where you want to build. Have a firm plan in place. Think beyond present needs and anticipate how your family will grow. Invest in spaces and features that add value to your lives. Find the right builder to take stress and frustration out of the picture. Do not overlook a single detail to gain peace of mind. Make your vision come to fruition and be off to a good start with your family life.





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